Thursday, July 3, 2008

Still Alive...Barely

I know I haven't posted in a while but we just got our Internet service back up and running. It's crazy how out-of-touch you feel when you can't check your email for a few days...I had over 90 emails and 60+ spams while I was gone. Made me feel loved!

So after a TON of drama (basically, the buyer of our house "T"'s mortgage fell through after we had already moved into our new house so for about 20 hours we weren't sure if it was indeed our house or if we were officially squatters). It was horrible. The most stressful 20 hours of our lives. Throw a very active 14 month-old in on top of that and you can imagine what those first few days were like for us.

Thankfully, her mortgage finally went through and we are officially living in the suburbs now! It's kinda weird...we have a garage and a front AND back yard for the first time. Not quite sure what to do with all the space but little Maelin LOVES it. She played for about 3 hours today with Aunt Kat just exploring every inch of the new house. She's having a great time.

Kevin and I are busy trying to unpack, clean, have the electrician, roofer, swamp-cooler guy and handyman here to fix all the random stuff that needs to happen. It always amazes me how much stuff we accumulate. Do we really need a full cabinet of bakeware? How many cookies do I really make? Anyway, we have it and it's exhausting to put away.

I'm really tired so I'm going to bed. I apologize for my absence and I promise that as soon as we hook up my computer and camera and all that I'll post some pics of the new place. So far, we're really enjoying it and starting to settle in.

One cool thing about where we live now: it's in Lakewood, but the area is called Green Mountain because it's on a mountain. So we went for a walk tonight and despite Kevin and I huffing and puffing because of all the freakin' hills, we were up high enough to see the mountains/sunset to one side of us and the city lights to the other side.

Pretty cool.

1 comment:

Terri : Bradford Web Designs, LLC said...

Wow, sounds crazy! Hope you guys are settling in now... at least you have some Internet action. ;)

Congrat's on the new house!