Sunday, July 20, 2008

Our New House

I am going to take some pics soon of our new house but I've wanted to wait until we got more boxes put away. It's going pretty well. We've got the basement set up for baby to play and my mom (Nana) is coming to visit on Friday from MN so we're working on the guest room today so she has a place to sleep.

Kat helped me paint the kitchen a very bright yellow which was the only color that wouldn't clash with the weird counters and floor. It looks nice, but I miss my red kitchen.
:-( While my mom is here I may try to paint Maelin's room but we'll see if we get to that.

Here is a picture from the park that is a few blocks from our house. It shows how high up we are and if you look closely, you can see downtown from there. That view is all over our neighborhood: including our very own backyard!

I'll post more pics of the house soon...

p.s. Maelin is feeling much better. Right now she's at the gate banging and yelling at it because she wants to come downstairs... :-)

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