Monday, July 14, 2008


Okay, so our new house has a few "quirks." One of them is the front door. It's hung wrong. Our friend Jason came and looked at it before we even bought the place and he said it could be fixed, but we just haven't gotten around to it yet.

So it's really hard to open, close and lock the darn door. The deadbolt BROKE off in it last weekend and we couldn't even open the door at all. We had to go in and out of the back door. Kevin was able to fix that and now it locks a bit better but because it's hung wrong (that sounds like it could be dirty but I'm talking about a door...:-), you really have to slam it to get it to shut all the way.

Last Friday I was on my way out the door to see some friends and I was holding Maelin and the very full diaper bag. I slammed the door as hard as I could (as usual) but this time I didn't move fast enough and my foot was still in the door! Guess what happened to my big toe??

Yup. It's falling off.

I have to say...that is the worst pain I have been in in some time. It compared to labor pains. Totally not kidding. Throbbing, shooting pains that didn't go away. I hobbled back into the house and collapsed onto the floor. Luckily, I had the presence of mind not to drop Maelin. She started screaming and crying...just like I was. Poor baby. I think kids really get upset when Mommy is hurt and upset. I sat on the floor trying not to curse like a sailor in front of my sweet girl and sobbing and wondering how the heck this could hurt so bloody much!

I called Kevin and told him he needed to come home...I couldn't even move. My whole leg had shooting pains and Maelin was still crying and upset. My toe was starting to bleed all over the place as well. Then I called the friends I was supposed to meet and they were very sweet: they packed up the food and brought it to me! They stopped by Target on the way for some first-aid supplies because we haven't unpacked that box quite yet.

So long story not-so-short, my toenail is ready to fall off at any point now. It still hurts like a &*@#$@ so I'm keeping it wrapped and it's actually still bleeding now. I'm getting ready to take a shower so I'll clean it and re wrap it but I'm sure I'm going to lose it. It's split all the way down and totally lifted up and stuff keeps coming up from under it. :-(

Too bad I have Katey's shower and wedding coming up...she said I could still go w/ them to get pedicures and maybe the lady could just paint the ugly scab??? Haha.

Oh, and the door still isn't fixed. If you talk to Kevin, tell him to get on that!!

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