Sunday, July 1, 2007

Anyone Wanna Install an Air-Conditioner?

It’s official. Our air conditioner has broken. You wouldn’t think that’s a big deal since we have two of them. The one in our bedroom is fantastic: it’s about 65 degrees in there right now. But...the one in the living room that cools down most of the house only works when it’s about 80 degrees or cooler outside. Then it shuts down.

Today was 98 degrees. Tomorrow is supposed to be about 100. That means around 10am when it gets past 80 degrees outside, our air conditioner will shut off. Now I didn’t think that was such a big deal until I had Maelin. I’ve always gotten really cranky when I’m hot. I just don’t like it: I don’t like feeling sticky, I don’t like my sweaty forehead and neck and I don’t like feeling like I have to take a shower when I just took one two hours ago. (if you’ve read my previous posts, you’d know how hard one shower is to get with a baby, let alone two…)

Then the baby came along. Imagine being in a house that the thermostat reads 89 degrees. Then imagine picking up your sweaty baby from her nap and trying to soothe her when you are hot and sweaty yourself and the house is stifling. Then imagine trying to hold her close to you so you can feed her. Not much fun. Needless to say, baby didn’t get much to eat today. We actually went outside around 7pm and hung out there because it was cooler outside than it was in our house. Not fun with Maelin. (oh, Gizmo and Sophie are miserable too...they didn't even want their dinners tonight, so you know our house was hot!)

When it was bedtime, we cranked up her window fan full-blast and I put her in a cotton t-shirt with no blanket. Even with that, she still has a sweaty forehead. Poor baby.

Then I started thinking that school was going to start soon and I work in a building that does not have air conditioning and I come home every day miserable and sweaty. Maelin’s day care doesn’t have it either, so she’ll come home miserable and sweaty. The only thing that will redeem the day is if our house isn’t miserable and sweaty…so Kevin pulled out the SEARS gift cards and did some research and we’re buying a new air conditioner tomorrow. I’m so excited, it’s like he’s given me permission to go shopping at Tiffany’s…the promise of a cooler house has put me in the best mood I’ve been in all day.

If anyone wants to come over tomorrow to help me install it before Kevin gets home from work, you know where we live! Maelin’s sweaty forehead will thank you.

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