Thursday, July 26, 2007

10 Things I "Swore" I'd Never Do...

As I was driving home the other day with Maelin screaming (I was supposed to go to a work function, but I chose to turn around and go home because staying in the car with a screaming baby for another 45 minutes didn't appeal to me), I was thinking about how I said "pre-baby" that was one of those things I would NEVER do. Then I starting thinking that there were a few more things that I've done that I never thought I would. I'm sure as Maelin gets older, I'll keep adding to this list, but here it is for now...


10. Wear the same shirt two days in a row. And even sleep in it one night. (But, hey, I didn't leave the house that day.)

9. Let my daughter wear the same outfit two days in a row. (The laundry didn't do itself that week.)

8. I would never let my child watch TV so I could have some “me” time. (I’m so happy that Maelin likes Sesame Street, I could cry. It’s the only time I get an uninterrupted shower.)

7. Throw my child at my husband the minute he comes home from work and growl at him “It’s Your Turn!” (Inexcusable, I know, but I really need to use the bathroom!)

6. I will never leave the house without makeup, or looking nice…in other words, “I won’t let myself go.” (Check item number 10…oh, also check item number 4)

5. I will never snatch my child away from someone just because she’s fussing. I’ll let her try to figure it out before I intervene. (Good thing my friends, my relatives and even my husband aren’t keeping track on this one!)

4. Let my hair go for 2 days without washing it. (I think my record is actually about 4 days, but it's hard to get motivated to wash and dry it at 10:30 p.m.)

3. Not go to a party or event just because the baby is upset. Just deal and go anyway. (This one is a laugh…)

2. Use baby wipes to remove make-up and wash my face. (When am I supposed to do this? Inbetween nighttime feedings, laundry, and finally sitting down and breathing? In my defense, those cucumber and green tea baby wipes smell really good!)

1. Talk to absolutely everyone about breastfeeding, sore nipples, lactating, baby’s poops, etc…(Really, you mean to tell me that you AREN’T interested in all this???)

What have you done that you'd swore you'd never do?


Stina said...

I swore I'd never be in Florida again during July & August... and here I am!! Holy hell it gets HOT!! Extenuating & unexpected circumstances, I realize...

Lesson: Never say never!!

A Mama's Blog (Heather) said...

The only advice I *try* to give mothers-to-be, who ask, is "Never say Never!" I don't think people really understand what that means until you have your own baby.

I swore I would never give my child M&M's to use the potty (he isn't a *dog* for god's sake) and now I have a cupboard filled with M&M's, mini candy bars, and Jelly Belly's. Hey, I guess so many moms use candy for potty rewards, because it WORKS!

I also swore MY living room would never, never, be trashed with toys, blocks, & children's clothes all over the place- really, how hard is it to get your kid to clean that mess up, or take 5 minutes and do it yourself! Now that I am in that boat, I KNOW how hard it is to get your kid to clean it up, and I know NOW why after being with the little kiddies for 20 hours straight, the last thing, you want to do at the end of the day is pick up the ***** toys!