Monday, July 30, 2007

Jeff & Kat's Wedding

Okay folks, here it is. I know you’ve been waiting with bated breath (what does that mean, anyway?) for this entry so here you go:

The Wedding of the Century

Thursday, July 5, 2007

6:00am I wake up early so I can get a shower and breakfast in before I have to take Maelin down to Boulder so she can spend the day at Grandmas house. Kevin and I are going to busy all day with lovely wedding preparations, so Maelin gets the boot.

10:00am Vanessa and I take Maelin down to Boulder. Grandma is very excited to see her and plans to bring her to the wedding around 3pm. After giving her a good-bye kiss, we leave her there.

12:00pm I arrive at the Willow Ridge Manor for pre-wedding fun. Kat is already there with the hair and make-up people and the Italian Champagne (Prosecco) is flowing. It’s going to be a fun afternoon.

3:00pm All the bridesmaids, mothers, bride and girls are ready. We spend time taking pictures and running around doing last-minute things for Kat and Jeff (i.e.: getting Jeff some beer, checking Kat’s makeup, yelling at the florist, etc…)

4:00pm The “Wedding Guy” comes and tells us that it’s almost time to start. Guests are being seated and we’re going to wait about 10 minutes before we head down. The girls celebrate by doing a shot of Lemoncello.

4:15pm The wedding begins. All I can say is that when Jeff saw Kat and got teary-eyed, there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. My cousin Madeline will say that she wasn’t crying; she was wiping dirt out of her eyes, but she’s a liar.

4:45pm The wedding is over and Jeff and Kat are as happy as I’ve ever seen them. Everything was beautiful and it’s time to start the party…but wait, we have to take pictures first. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr…

6:00pm Pictures are FINALLY over (however, they turned out great) so we all head back inside to the cleverly named destination tables. Turns out the Puerto Vallarta table was playing a “Steal Everything They’ve Got” prank on the Amsterdam table. There was a comment made that it was pretty hard to get a fork.

7:00pm Dinner is over and toasting begins. My toast was very timely interrupted by Kat who decided it was a good time to knock over her champagne glass not once but twice during the toast. Everyone cried during the toasts and Kat’s mom was very touching about how much she loved her daughter.

7:30pm Dancing begins. The Kimling Family made a pretty good showing. Everyone from Dan to our Aunts to the cousins to little Ryan was out there enjoying themselves.

8:00pm Maelin leaves with grandma right when I decided I should stop drinking for a while and “Everything I Do I Do It For You” was playing. No wonder I cried like a baby. Bryan Adams will get you every time.

9:00-11:00pm Dancing continues. Between the disco ball, YMCA, and Kat and Jeff’s wedding song, the rest of the wedding had tears, laughter and we all had a great time.

12:00pm After-Party at my house. Because Maelin wasn’t there, we had a few wedding guests over to continue the party. We powered through until around 1am and then it was time for bed.

6:00am I’m up. I’m awake. You’d think after the exhausting day I had and all the beers and the fact that I can sleep soundly because there’s no baby in the house, my body is trained to wake up at this un-godly hour and now I’m up. I decide to make the best of it and I read until 9am and then I take a shower and go to Boulder to collect my daughter from Grandma. Incidentally, they both had a great time. We’ll have to do that again sometime.

Synopsis: Jeff and Kat were beautiful and loving on each other, the place was fantastic, the food delicious, the guests happy and jovial, the decorations tasteful and creative and all-in-all: a fabulous time was had by all. A wonderful day.

1 comment:

Stina said...

As one of the members of the Amsterdam table.... I'd like to say "Where the hell is my fork? and napkin?! and cocktail?! and salt and pepper?!" I'd go get a drink, come back and my napkin was gone... Leave the table again, and my drink was gone.... Leave the table to go get dinner and come back to no silverware... Went to use the salt and pepper - there was no salt and pepper. What the .....?!!! You got us! Just you wait Henry Higgins.... Next big event, Amsterdam will plot it's revenge on Puerto Vallarta.