Thursday, June 28, 2007

Uncle Jeff

Baby Maelin has a pretty big fan club. My dad (Papa Dan) thinks all his grandkids walk on water, so he’s pretty excited that we only live about 5 minutes away. He stops by about 2-3 times per week just to hold her and say hello. Last week he brought a few dinners over while Kevin was out of town and he was able to go on baby-holding-duty which really helps me out. My step-mom Jean comes over every other Thursday just to spend time with Maelin while I go work out, or to the doctor, or just get stuff done around the house. I came home the other day and the two of them were sitting in the rocking chair and Jean was reading a book to Maelin. It was adorable.

Uncle Jeff and (soon-to-be!) Aunt Kat live about 5 minutes away from us as well and that’s been a life-saver. Ever since Maelin came home from the hospital (and even while we were in there, come to think of it) they’ve been just a phone call away for ANYTHING that we’ve needed. They’ve brought countless dinners over for us, they’ve come to help give baths, take baby on walks, hold her while I take a shower, and just about anything they can do to help, they’ve done. We really couldn’t have gotten this far with so much of our sanity intact without them.

It’s really cute to watch my brother be an uncle to baby Maelin. Our nephews live about 45 minutes away so we don’t get to see them as often as we'd like. So Uncle Jeff has really stepped into his role and it’s adorable. He’s going to kill me for writing this, but I caught him singing a Doris Day song to baby Maelin tonight…I think it was one from “Pillow Talk.” Then I heard him sing a Hayley Mills song to her…oh poor boy growing up with 3 sisters!

Uncle Jeff just adores Maelin. He’s gotten to spend a lot of time with her, so they’ve really bonded. Before Maelin came, he would grumble and groan about how we weren’t going out anymore and how the baby was changing everything and how he never wants kids. Oh how things change! Kat told me the other night she wanted to go out and Jeff said he didn’t want to: he wanted to come see the baby. He was over for a few minutes on Monday night and then Tuesday night, he told Kat he missed the baby. So they were back over tonight. Uncle Jeff tickles her and sings to her and pretty much monopolizes her time whenever he’s here. It’s so cute. I hope Maelin will always be so lucky to have so many people close by who love her so much. She's a lucky little girl.


Unknown said...

In my defense when growing up with my 3 younger sisters I didnt win too many votes on what movies we were going to watch on our one TV and huge VCR and Haley Mills was pretty popular with them............seriously though, thanks Mara but it is my pleasure to be able to spend so much time with baby, its amazing to me how she has changed my perspecitve on life in so many ways.

Martin said...

I always thought you were a bit Girly full stop!!
Whether you had 3 sisters or not doesn't mean you can sing girly songs.........nothing wrong with a bit of iron maiden or motorhead sung in the right kids have been fine with it........get a grip Mork and do some manly things change a nappy........LOL Martin

Anonymous said...

AHH...what sweet post- what's up with that red hair??? Maelin may be a red-head- at least for now, and her 12 week picture is cute with her beer!

Come on Jeff, you really do like Doris Day and Hayley Mills...and how come you never comment on my blog? Guess I'll have to write a post about you soon too! :-)