Monday, October 20, 2008

How Cool Is This???????

I get to go see Sen. Joe Biden speak tomorrow night! The principal of our school found out he was coming to Colorado and she got 10 tickets for any teachers that wanted to go. She is even getting coverage for our classes for an hour so we can get there early to be sure we're admitted.

I'm so excited!!! I think Joe Biden is a fabulous candidate for VP and a huge complement to the Democratic Ticket. I'm usually working during cool events like this so it's so cool that our principal got these tickets for us AND figured out how to make it possible for us all to attend!! I'll write a post on it tomorrow or Wed letting you know how it went.

Now, if only someone could pick up Maelin from daycare... :-)

1 comment:

A Mama's Blog (Heather) said...

How ironic! I just went to my first rally ever on Monday- to see Sarah Palin in Loveland.

I wrote a blog post about it, and even though I had a ticket, I didn't get in. Just too many people there.

Not sure how big the place that Biden is speaking in, but you may want to get there early. Evidently they hand out WAY more tickets than seats, to ensure the venue is filled.

Have fun!