Sunday, August 5, 2007

Middle of the Night...

So Miss Maelin hit a pretty big milestone last night. I'll recap the evening for you and see if you can spot it:

10:30pm We come home from seeing "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" (it was really good) and we hang out with Kat and Jeff for a bit who babysat. Maelin was fantastic for them and she's sleeping on her tummy in her crib. Totally out for the count.

11:30pm I go to bed

2:45am I hear Maelin crying, so I get up. It's time to feed her so we sit in our feeding chair. Kevin goes to bed.

3:15am Maelin is finished. We burp, change her diaper and cuddle for a few minutes, and I lay her down again and rub her head. Normally, this would result in her falling asleep in minutes, but it's not working tonight.

3:30am Still rubbing her back. It's not working. She's arching, lifting up her head to smile at me and grunting.

4:05am I decide to leave the room and let her "cry it out" for about 10 minutes. I go in my room and read. (yes, I watch the clock.)

4:15am I turn on the monitor in our room to see if she fell asleep and I hear her screaming. I get up and run to her room because now I'm feeling guilty for leaving her.

4:16am I get to her room and she's on her back looking up at me and screaming. She's probably thinking, "What the heck? Where were you? Why did you leave me? " or something to that effect.

4:17am I take her back to feed her some more. She eats quite a bit and falls asleep while eating. I very gingerly lay her down and rub her head and this time it works: she's out.

4:45am I go back to bed. I can't sleep now because I'm awake, so I read for a bit and fall asleep around 5.

7:05am Maelin is crying again. I get up and feed her and she eats a lot and we both fall asleep in the chair while she's eating.

8:00am I wake up with Maelin sleeping next to me and I'm glad I didn't drop her! I put her back in her crib and she sleeps until 9:45am. Good little baby: just like her daddy, she likes to sleep in.

Did you spot it?? Did you see where she broke a milestone? My baby turned over all by herself! Maelin always sleeps on her tummy and when I went in after I let her cry, she was on her back! Yay for baby! It was so cute...I wanted to hold her and take a picture, but she was crying for me so we waited till this morning. I wonder if I can get her to do it again later today? My baby is growing up!

1 comment:

Stina said...

Rolling baby!! How exciting!! (and yes, I did catch it by the way) Bfore you know it, she'll be on the move!! Yeah Maelin!