Saturday, August 11, 2007

Beautiful Girl

Maelin had her 4 month check-up on Friday. She is now almost 13 pounds (she was a little over 6 at birth) and she's 25 inches long. She's getting big!

She also had to get her shots. That's such a bummer. This time, I didn't look. I closed my eyes and had Kevin hold her hands. It was so sad. She's just laying there, kicking her legs and eating her fists and then all of a sudden, BAM! She's crying and screaming and then it happens 3 more times. We calm her down with lots of hugging and kissing and then the sickness kicks in. When we got home, the poor little thing had a fever of 101. She just wasn't acting like herself. She's not sleeping right, she's cranky and she's just not much fun.

However, it seems as if she's turned the corner. She's been much better today. Here is a picture of her trying to eat my face: how cute is that? Keep your fingers crossed that she sleeps better tonight: it took us till 11:45pm yesterday to get her to sleep. Little pumpkin: even at 4am you can't be annoyed with her because you know she just doesn't feel good. She's sitting (and drooling!) on my lap right now totally entranced with the computer screen...maybe that's the key to getting her to sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the baby Einstein videos. On the upside Disney is demanding a full retraction from the university claiming the results of the study are misleading. So maybe it's not as negative as the results make it appear. I'll try to find the original article and see if I can send it to you.