Saturday, May 24, 2008

Disneyland with Mom

My mom is a Disneyland freak. That was the ONLY vacation we ever took when we were kids...I remember spending 5 STRAIGHT days there as kids...and we loved it. We know every inch of that place...we know where the bathrooms are, what restaurants are the best, the shortcuts to each ride, what each store has, etc.

I'm not too proud to admit that we love it just as much as adults. Maybe it's because we have such good memories of it as kids. Maybe because it's where we all came together as a family. Maybe because it really IS the "Happiest Place on Earth." Anyway my older brother has been known to skip down mainstreet when we first arrive...and that was just a few years ago! :-)

My mom and I went to Disneyland last weekend for just 2 days...she was there longer but I didn't want to leave Maelin for that long. She did great with Daddy without me and I had a fantastic time. We sat in the (hot!) sunshine and watched the parades, we rode the fun rides, we shopped and we ate crazy expensive park food. Disneyland is always fun.

Here's a few pictures of our trip...they make me want to go back and bring MaeMae!

1 comment:

A Mama's Blog (Heather) said...

Looks like fun. The castle looks different, but I am sure they mix it up every few years.

Can't wait to take the boys there one day. I know they will love it. Glad you had fun. :-)