Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Out For The Count

Believe it or not, but I'm sicker than I think I've ever been. Shocking, isn't it? It's not like I don't have anything going on or I haven't been getting enough sleep or I haven't been under stress...

I stayed home another day on Tuesday under the advisement of my very wise mother in law and I went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with pneumonia and have very strict instructions to rest, rest, rest (or I could replase) and take the rest of the week off.

How to do that, is the problem.

Thank goodness for good friends. Christina popped by on Monday and she was a lifesaver. She took care of Maelin while I took a shower and took a nap. Then she got me some lunch (I'm still not eating very much) and went to the grocery store for me. I couldn't thank her enough for giving up her day like that.

Tuesday I took Maelin to daycare. I knew I was just too weak and too tired (and coughing all over her) to be much good to her. Then I went to the doctor, got x-rays, came home and took a nap and dropped my dr note off at work. Every time I try to have more than a 2 sentence conversation with someone, I end up coughing so much, I have to go spit or sit down because I'm out of air.

Wednesday was more of the same. Took Maelin to daycare. It's totally worth the drive because I know she's safe and happy there and I just don't have the energy to get up and make myself something to eat, let alone take care of a baby. Really, I haven't even seen her much this past week and I've been too sick to care. Never thought you'd hear me say that, did you?

Just called my principal and was coughing so hard, I couldn't speak more than 5 words at a time. She was very sweet and told me not to worry: they'd see me next week if I need to be gone till then.

That put me in in a panic: I have nothing planned for next week: I have progress reports due, homework packets to make, kids to assess, literacy centers to I'm a week behind.

Think about that later, I keep telling myself. Right now, I'm excited about the little victories. I haven't been able to put Maelin to bed for 3 nights now: I cough too much and it keeps her up. However, I was just able to do it. I also ate a waffle and a sandwich today: more food than I've had since last Thursday.

Seems I'm getting better...however, this is what the info sheet says about pneumonia that the doctor gave me:

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It can be very mild or very severe. Take enough time to recover completely as if it returns, it tends to be more severe the 2nd time. It may take a few weeks to a few months to recover fully from pneumonia depending on how well you take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest and sleep. You may feel weak and tired for up to 6 weeks, but your energy level will improve with time.

Doesn't really take into account my crazy job and my new baby, does it?

When it rains...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHH! I hope you are feeling MUCH better, girlie. :) ((HUGS)) Work never seems to get done... hope you are taking it easy this week.