Monday, September 17, 2007

Home Sick

I've called in sick today. I spent all of Sat and Sun just getting as much rest as I could, (which wasn't much) and I thought if I went to work today, I'd just right back where I was.

I made a sub plan on Friday in the off-chance that I'd have to do this: it's been a long time since a cold/flu has knocked me out for more than 2 days. We called Sandra last night (thanks Kate!) to tell her we wouldn't be there today and she said I could drop off Maelin anyway so I could get some rest, but I don't want to do that. Firstly, it's too far a drive to do that and secondly, I want to hang with Maelin. Even sick at home with her is better than being at work without her.

I've had a rough weekend though. Sleeping has been an exercise in torture. I'm so exhausted: I feel beaten, bruised and weak. My stomach is sore from all the coughing, my throat is sore, I'm cold then hot, I have no appetite so I'm pretty weak and dizzy and I can't sleep because of all this. We set up a pillow-thing in our bed for me (yes, Kevin has been banished to the couch due to all my coughing, tossing and turning) so I'm basically sleeping sitting up which is as comfortable as it sounds. That doesn't even work.

The one saving grace is that I had some codeine cough syrup left over from last year when I was sick and that is the only thing that's calmed my cough long enough to sleep for about 2 hours at a time. Thank goodness for narcotics!

So we're home sick today. A friend might stop by later to help us out but otherwise, we're going to stay in our pajamas, take naps and just be lazy. It will be like old times.
Here's a picture of baby enjoying her play desk as I write this. She's pretty busy and excited to be at home and not rushing off to daycare.
So am I.

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