Monday, September 10, 2007

Maelin Loves To Eat!

So we've been getting ready to start Maelin on cereal for a few days now: we didn't get around to it this weekend, so we figured we'd start on Saturday. Well, Miss MaeMae decided she didn't want to wait that long...

She's been waking up much more often during the night to eat: I didn't really care because now that I'm back at work, it's a nice way to spend a few minutes with her. Today at daycare, I called to see how she was doing (well, Kate called for me as I don't speak Spanish...) and Sandra said Maelin was sooooo hungry. She said she was just gobbling down her milk like she couldn't get enough.

I called Kevin on the way home and told him we needed to up the feeding schedule for tonight. A bit nervous because he's never fed a baby real food before and it's been a long time for me, we plunged ahead.

As our house is so small, we don't have a highchair: just a chair-thing that you are supposed to strap to your kitchen chairs. Well, Kevin came home and looked at it and didn't even want to take it out of the box because our chairs are round and this thing has a square base and he was worried that it wouldn't be stable enough for our little pumpkin. So we draped a beach towel over her bouncy seat, turned on football and mixed up the cereal with a little breastmilk: yum! Let the feeding begin!

We had no idea what to expect: would MaeMae spit it all out? Would she gobble it up and want more? Would she think it was gross? Would she put her fists in her mouth and smear it all over her hair? Would we regret doing this on our couch?

Turns out, just like everything else so far, Maelin was terrific! It was soooo cute: at first, her little tongue just kept pushing it out but after about 2 tries, she got the hang of it and ate it all up with a minimal mess! She put her fist in her mouth a few times during the feed, but she didn't fling it all over or anything: she was actually really good!

It made me a bit sad, honestly. My baby is really starting to get bigger now. But, I have to say, she's so darn cute at this stage: I can't wait for what happens next.

Can't wait till we get to try peas and carrots on her!!

Oh, and we're going to the consignment store this weekend to buy a proper highchair...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea for Maelin! It made me sad the first time too, that my baby wasn't totally reliant on me anymore for food- it is a milestone for sure! Congrats. on such a smooth transistion. No looking back now!

I have some jars of organic baby food left too, if you want them. :-) (Mr. Coley seemed to skip the baby food phase and went right to the real food.)