Sunday, December 14, 2008

What My Class is GETTING For Christmas...Thanks To You!

This is an update to my previous post about what I was trying to do for my kiddos this Christmas...

So after much work this, organizing, going back to WalMart 3 times because I miscounted my kiddos, the gift bags are finished! I thought you'd like to know what your kindness and generosity provided for these 26 kids:

Chapter Books
School Supplies (pencils, markers, crayons, etc...)
Hannah Montana Dolls & High School Musical Dolls (one for every girl!)
Soccer Balls
Kickballs (one ball of those types for every boy!)
High Bouncy Ball Thingys
Hand-Held Video Games
Card Games
Silly Putty
Hair Accessories (bows, headbands, etc.)
Lip Gloss

We were able to make appropriate BOY and GIRL gift bags filled with all that stuff! That doesn't even include the things that certain people have emailed me to tell me is still on the way: if it doesn't get here before Xmas, than the kiddos will have a big surprise when they come back in January: and who doesn't like that???

I am just amazed and touched beyond words at the generosity you have shown these kids. Please email this to everyone that you forwarded my original request to: I received so much from all of you AND from people around the country that I don't even know!!! PLUS...I have some things left over that I'll be able to give to new kids I get or save for next year!

Here are a couple of pictures of the finished gift bags: thanks to Kevin, Kat and Heather for their help putting everything together. I will take pictures of the kids on Friday when they get their bags and send those along. My intention is to also send a personal "Thank You" to everyone who mailed me a gift card, but as I've been somewhat disorganized lately (see above...can't even remember how many kids I have these days!), please forward any thanks I send you on to whoever you know that might have helped out.

Again...I am in complete shock and overwhelmed with gratitude. I get teary-eyed every time I think of how you braved the WalMart crowds to buy a gift card to help out kids that you've never even met...just because I asked you to.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

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