Sunday, December 7, 2008

Blankets and Socks...

I just want to send a big "THANK YOU" to those of you who have responded to my original post about the kids in my class and what they wanted (needed) for Christmas. Your response so far has been overwhelming.

I think that if everyone who said they are going to send something actually does, there will be enough to get every child in my class one good Christmas present (including socks, mittens, hats, books and a fun toy like a Bratz doll or Legos), AND enough school supplies to send a box filled with them home for each child AND enough for me to save for next year!!

I am just amazed at the generosity and love you all have shown for these kiddos. I will post pictures of them with their stuff starting next week and be on the lookout for personal thank-you's that the kiddos write after Christmas.

It's amazing that in these tough economical times, you all were able to find it in your hearts to make 26 kids happy this season. It's truly heart-warming.


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