Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Presents Are Starting To Arrive!!

I'm teary-eyed as I write this because I just can't believe the generosity of people but I know this might help brighten your day as well.

I went into the office today and waiting for me was 3 boxes of brand-new school supplies from people I'VE NEVER MET!!! Pencils, Eric Carle (author of Very Hungry Caterpillar) Drawing and Writing Books, Paper, Crayons, etc... all from people I've never heard of before who read my blog post or my email and wanted to help out.

It's amazing. My principal and the school secretary were all smiles this morning and talking about the generosity of complete strangers. I can't WAIT to create gift bags with all our stuff for each of our kiddos.

I will be sure to take plenty of pictures of all the stuff with our kids when we get everything together. I want everyone who is considering donating something or has already sent their gift to know that my kiddos and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we are so very excited!!!

What an amazing day!

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