Friday, December 12, 2008


I love Christmas. I love how happy everyone is, I love how pretty everything is and I love how everyone is in a peaceful, giving spirit. People who don't understand could say that that's the way you should be all year long and that's true, but it doesn't happen that way. People are busy and tired and just don't have the energy to be full of goodwill all the time. It's understandable.

Anyway, I've been hosting a Cookie Exchange party for about 8 years now and every year seems to be more fun than the last. We really have a good time. We all bring cookies that we made to the party and we sit around and enjoy our wine or hot chocolate or beer or eggnog while we listen to music and chat and decorate sugar cookies. We have a blast and we all go home with plenty to share.

This year I was able to bring Maelin. She tried to decorate cookies but she was more interested in eating them, so I let her watch "Elmo" until Kevin came to pick her up. It was fun having her be part of the "big girls" for a while though!!

Here's a couple of pictures of our cookie party this year. We had a great turnout and so many yummy treats! I highly recommend organizing this for you and your friends if you get the chance. It's great holiday fun and a low-stress way to make sure we all take the time out of our busy lives to catch up and slow down and enjoy each other...which is another reason I love Christmas.


Me and my the love of my life (that's the little one in the blue in case you're wondering...) :-)

1 comment:

A Mama's Blog (Heather) said...

This always is so much fun- I wrote a blog post about it too.

Thanks for saying I am the love of your life- oh, I guess you meant the other girl in blue :-)