Thursday, December 12, 2013

2013 Drive Thank You

I've said it before and I'm saying it again: YOU are the true heroes for my kiddos. For the first time EVER, I have enough private donations (in addition to everything people are bringing us starting next week) to get every single 2nd grade kiddo (all 100 of them) a new pair of pajamas and possibly even a small toy. As I write this through my tears, I just am so humbled at how much stinkin' good there is in the world, even when daily life makes us think otherwise.

I can't wait to post the pictures next week of all the kids with new pajamas, new hoodies, new coats, new books, stockings stuffed with treats, new blankets, new toothbrushes, socks, gloves, hats, scarves and gosh knows what else. From all the kids and their families, I'm thanking all of you. This is amazing.

Monday, December 2, 2013

2013 Christmas Drive Update

I'm posting a few updates to the Christmas drive because I know how many of you follow this eagerly every year and I wanted to keep you informed:

We have 2 weeks until Dec 14 when I need all the donations in, and so far, you have again astounded me with your response to what the kiddos here in Commerce City are needing.  I've had boxes of hats, coats, gloves, and mittens dropped off in the office without even a name.  I've had money sent from church congregations who wanted to help get some jeans and sweaters.  I was able to order every single 2nd grader (all 95+ of them!) a brand new book at their reading level and gosh, that was fun to do!  I've never been able to just order books like that before. I have students from other schools making crafts to sell to raise money, and all the other very important but too numerous to mention donations that are going to make such a difference to these kiddos.

Please accept my sincere thank you to all of you.  For reading my original plea for help, for forwarding my email, for going shopping, for working extra hours so you can buy more blankets, for putting gift cards in the mail, and most of all, for loving these kiddos who you've never even met.  This is without a doubt, the absolute highlight of my year.

                          Just a sample of my student's "Letters to Santa" they wrote last week...

However, this drive isn't going to be as amazing as in years' past as the United States Air Force who have been so integral in helping me get gifts for all the kiddos have run into a snag.  Due to government regulations, we aren't sure they're going to be able to get what they have in the past.  So, I'm sending out another plea for help.  If you've ever seen kids zip up their thin sweatshirt to go home when it's 6 degrees out (as it's supposed to be next week) because they don't have a coat, or a child tromping through the snow with no socks, I ask for one more thing: we need Target cards to get hoodies, coats, pajamas (if I can), and socks.  Without the guaranteed help of the Air Force this year, I'm going to be stretched thin and anything you can send will go to use.  Please forward or paste this if you can...and click here to see the results of last year's drive and click here to see what happened when we rallied the troops and people around the country to help one of my students who was suffering from a brain tumor.

Together we can do that again.  It will be the highlight of your holiday season just as it is mine.  It's something that is never forgotten.

Thank you.