Thursday, January 17, 2008

Maelin is 9 Months Old!!!

So this post is a bit late because Maelin was 9 months old on the 6th, but here you go anyway. I've been so busy getting back into the swing of things at work, I just haven't had much time to post.

We took Maelin to our favorite picture place, Portrait Innovations to get them done and she was adorable. She loves to laugh and giggle and as long as Aunt Kat or I was quacking like a duck, she was having a great time!

I decided to jump in for one with her which turned out fantastic. I have it blown up in my classroom and it makes me a bit teary every time I look at it because I just can't believe how lucky I am to be the Mommy of such a beautiful,happy and precious little girl. (I don't have it up yet because I'm working on cropping it and turning it black and white like the studio did...the hard copies are awesome...)

I have a LOT of these pictures (of course) so if you'd like one, I can't promise that I'll ever get around to sending you some, but I'll try my best!! Let me know which is your favorites!!

Maelin has been very busy lately, so I'll post soon about her first birthday party, her first amusement park rides, her ear infections, her new favorite toy, her first attempt at sharing with a 7month old, her first playdate and her new trick that about gave me a heart attack!! Stay tuned...

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