Maelin is almost 8 months old. We've passed a few first milestones: rolling over, first foods, squealing, sitting up, first Thanksgiving, first Christmas is almost here, etc. and it got me thinking about how darn fast these kids grow up. It seems like I just had her: it seems like only yesterday I was sitting here writing about how tired I was and how Kevin and I never got any sleep and how horrible pregnancy was.
Now as I write this, Maelin is being rocked to sleep by her daddy. We had a great day today. We went to the park and went out to lunch with our friend Christina and we played with the kitties and then we took Maelin to the mall where she had her first few tastes of bbq! She's still getting over her cold so she's been a bit cranky, but just "delightful" (as her doctor calls her) anyway. She smiles so much and she just loves to be held and talked to. She lights up when she sees someone she knows and she loves to try to talk to them. She's discovered that her voice creates reactions and she loves figuring them out. She met a new doggie last night at our friend Katey's house...her name was Biscuit and she just had a grand ole' time playing with that little thing.
Before we know it, I'll be sitting here writing about how it's Maelin's first birthday soon and then she'll be walking and talking and running around. She'll be asserting her totally stubborn side by telling me "no!" and I'm sure she'll turn into a total Daddy's Girl because already the two of them are so much alike. I just can't believe how quickly it's going by.
Thinking about that made me think about the things I really love about my daughter. Her little personality is so distinctive so far and I can't wait to see her grow up and turn into whoever she's meant to be...with a lot of stubborn struggles along the way! Here's a quick list, and by no means comprehensive, about things I love about Miss MaeMae...
*Her gummy, toothless grin
*The way she squeals when she sees Gizmo
*How she reaches for me when she wants me to hold her
*The way she smiles at me in the morning when she's laying in her crib and I go to get her
*How her cheeks overflow down over her she's squirreling away food for the winter
*How much she loves her daddy: she just lights up when she sees him and then squeals at him
*What a calm baby she is...she just goes with the flow. You can take her anywhere or put her in any situation and she's just fine.
*Her blue, blue eyes
*How she's learned to put her toes in her mouth
*How she talks to me from the backseat of the car...she yells, "aaaaaaaahhhhhhh" at me when we're driving
*When strangers talk to her (when I'm holding her of course), she studies them for a minute and then lights up with her toothless grin
*How much she looks like Kevin
*How much she loves the people she knows well...Uncles and Aunties and Grandparents
*Her funny facial expressions: sometimes it looks like she's so bored and she can't believe her rotten luck at being where she is right now
*How sweet and chill she is: especially when she's sick. If she didn't get up in the middle of the night, I wouldn't even know when she's sick
*What a great sleeper she is
*Her total stubborn streak...if she doesn't want to do it, she is NOT going to
*She has given us such a purpose to our lives
*She's amazing company: I'm never bored or lonely when I'm with her. She could make you laugh all day just by staring at her or watching her
*How she has created so much extra love in the world for people who know her
*She's created a family out of Kevin and I
*She's the absolute best and amazing aspects of Kevin and I: she's our pride and joy
As I look over this list, it feels so incomplete: there's just no way I can put into words how special this little girl is to us. I love her with an intensity that I never even knew existed: it's so consuming, it's somewhat overwhelming. This list is by no means feels so lacking but it's impossible to describe all of the qualities that Miss MaeMae has that makes her special. That's why she is who she is...we're figuring out something new about her every day.
What an amazing journey it's going to be!
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