Monday, January 26, 2015

Christmas Drive 2014....Thank You

I know most of you see my updates on Facebook, but just in case there's a few of you out there who haven't....

Thank you. 

Please take a minute to watch and share the Christmas Drive 2014 video...

I couldn't be more sincere when I tell you: This year was unprecedented. So many of you donated, collected items, sent money for glasses, paid for clothes and shoes, held drives to raise money for books, bought toys out of your own meager paychecks, made Goodwill trips, sent cash to a family of 8 who had nothing, bought hundreds of children blankets and socks and toys, gave stuffed animals, forwarded my plea for help to all your family and friends, sent toothbrushes, mittens, hats, scarves, backpacks, coats, and even...a Christmas tree for a family who didn't have one. Clothes for a foster family who was living in their car.

This list is by no means complete, but please believe me when I tell you that I can't even write this meager "Thank You" without some tears because...YOU created a spirit and love and joy in the hearts of hundreds....HUNDREDS...of children and their families. You saw a need, you acted, and I humbly thank you.

As the memories of our own Christmas' fade away and all we are left with are the pictures...I hope a few of the images in this movie will stay with you all the year through. I hope a few of the smiles in the toothless grins gives you a boost on a day you're needing it most. I hope the sound of the squeals when the kids realized they got pajamas is a sound you carry with you all throughout the year.
I know I will. From the bottom of my heart: Thank You. I am blessed to know each and every one of you.

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