Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A New Family Member????

I should be writing report cards now as they are due on Friday and I haven't even started them yet...

but this story couldn't wait. I went to pick up Maelin today from Sandra's house and as usual, they were in the backyard playing. They live in a pretty impoverished neighborhood so you tend to see all sorts of interesting things when you go over there. I've gotten pretty used to the stray animals running around, the weird cars, the loud music, etc. Anyway, Sandra's son (who's 8) was playing with an adorable gray kitten in the backyard and Maelin was squealing with laughter watching him.

I asked Sandra who's kitten that was and between my poor Spanish, her English (which she's getting pretty good at!) and her son helping us, I found out that this kitten has been coming around for about a week and they have no idea who it belongs to. I mentioned that I was worried about leaving it because it's supposed to get pretty cold tonight and snow and they said that worried them too so they were going to set up a crate under their trampoline for it to help keep it warm.

If you've read any of my previous posts, you KNOW I just can't leave an animal when I think it may not be safe and I have an opportunity to do something to help. So I swooped that little kitty up and told Sandra I would take it home and to keep an eye out for posters or whatever till we decide what to do with it. Maelin couldn't believe her luck that the kitty was coming in the car with us!

That kitty is the sweetest darn thing you've ever seen. On our way home on the noisy highway, you'd imagine the cat would be freaking out and meowing and scratching and losing it. Nope. That kitten got in the backseat right onto Maelin's lap (much to her delight!) and promptly fell asleep for the entire 30 minute car drive home. Here's a couple pictures of Kitty with MaeMae. She was thrilled!

We've set Kitty up in our spare bedroom for now. He gobbled down some food and water and has been sleeping most of the night. Uncle Jeff has decided after a 30 minute visit that he just might like another kitty himself. Aunt Kat isn't so sure but admits this cat is pretty darn sweet. Kevin was very apprehensive when I called him from the road and told him the "Guess what?" story but he even admits that the kitty is pretty adorable and may just consent to keep him. He even told Jeff, "You may have to fight me for him." hee hee.

I'm not sure where Kitty is going. We're going to put up a sign and post him on craigslist and see what happens. For now, Maelin is excited that she has a new friend that loves her and makes her laugh. I'm happy because I was able to do something small to make the world a bit better. The Kitty is happy because he's sleeping on a nice bed and has food and isn't shivering in the snow tonight...

and oh, Maelin wants to name him "Gato." Her other suggestion was "Food." (Kat and I think if we keep him, we'll name him "Cullen" after...of course!)

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