Wednesday, September 23, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast...

Sigh. Big sigh. I'm still trying to adjust to the beginning of this school year so I haven't had much time to blog lately. It seems like I'm always 2-3 days behind at work. With 28 kiddos, I'm constantly trying to keep with with grading, lesson plans, recording and gathering data, and hundreds of other tasks that keep me in motion from the minute I step foot into school till the second I leave.

One of the blessings of being that busy at work is I rarely have time to think too much about Maelin and how much I'm missing her while I'm gone. She's been having a great time at daycare: she has a few new friends there now. Baby Carson is the 8 month old son of a colleague at work and there are other random little people that come and go that Maelin totally adores.

I pulled out the video camera tonight to capture some of Maelin's antics while we were playing. It hit me just what a big girl she is. She isn't a baby any longer. She's totally potty-trained now. We were able to do that about a month ago and it took her a total of 4 days to get it...with only 1 accident. She's pretty consistent now and only has an accident once a week or so. She knows how to spell her name. She can sing all of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "ABC's", "When You Wish Upon a Star", amongst other songs. She can do a very wobbly somersault. She told me yesterday that she wanted a "Baby Carson at Mae-Mae's house." ( that one). She's learning how to write her name and she recognizes it when she sees it in print. She was eating and LOVING hot sauce with her chips at the Mexican restaurant the other night. She has her favorite books memorized, can count to 50, paints pictures, knows all the sounds the letters make...I could go on and on.

Our little girl (I have to accept the fact that I no longer have a baby girl) is almost 2 1/2 years old already. How did that happen? She's so big and wonderful and is the absolute light of my life. She has gotten big so quickly and although I'm loving every single minute with her, I'm also trying to be as present as possible during it because of how very fast this is flying by.

Our little one is growing so fast...blink and you miss it.

1 comment:

Amy Abbott said...

Potty trained, that's so impressive!!!! Way to go Maelin! I wish Noah was close, but that will be a next summer project! Glad to hear she's doing so well! :)